I guess she was a PC
Despite denying rumors that they were ever dating, Kirsten Dunst has apparently dumped Justin “I’m A Mac” Long, who himself recently dumped Drew Barrymore. Above: 2 pictures of Long and Dunst NOT...
View ArticleA drunken Pete Doherty and his MacBook Pro kicked out of a London Restaurant
An allegedly drunken and disorderly Pete Doherty (of Babyshambles fame… ahh who are we kidding? He’s famous for once dating Kate Moss) and his MacBook Pro were kicked out escorted out of the Cipriani...
View ArticleCelebrity Mac President Sighting: Barack Obama
OK, let me just say that while I consider the fact that Obama uses a Mac to be great news, perhaps even up there with Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton both being Mac users, and I appreciate all 700 of...
View ArticleIs Justin Long trying to become the next “Dell Dude”?
Remember when the “Dell Dude” got busted for smoking pot, and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in future endorsements when Dell dropped him from their “Dude! You’re getting a Dell!” ad campaign?...
View ArticleBernie “made off” with a MacBook Pro
(Get it? “Made off”? NO ONE’S made that joke before, right?) Ahh, the zoom lens. What would tabloid journalism do without it? Take a look at this shot from the February 20th episode of ABC’s 20/20....
View ArticleNow he just needs to get Clapton to sign his Apple II
Faithful Macenstein reader Ian writes: “Steve Wozniak was in Waterloo (home of RIM) giving a talk. I have a custom built six-string fretless bass which has been signed by numerous inspirational...
View ArticleIs ThinkSecret’s Nick DePlume looking to make a Mac Rumor comeback?
ThinkSecret’s Nick DePlume, apparently at a very unpopular cafe. It was just over two years ago that the infamous Mac Rumor site ThinkSecret was forced by Apple legal to shut its doors, presumably...
View ArticleComic Artist Jim Lee draws Wonder Woman on his iPad while getting a hair cut
Comic book legend Jim Lee, the man single-handedly responsible for warping my perceptions of how long a woman’s legs should be, was getting his hair cut yesterday and decided to try out Sketchbook Pro...
View ArticleSebastian Vettel, Formula 1 World Champion, Apple fan
I admit I have no idea who this guy is, but faithful Macenstein reader Hugo tells me it is Formula 1 World Champion Sebastian Vettel, , who is apparently reading Macenstein on his iPhone. Why else...
View ArticleJennifer Aniston + tenuous iPad connection + slow news day equals…
Sure, Jen doesn’t actually touch the iPads in this commercial for Smart Water, but she’s a well documented Mac Chick, and since not much else stupid is going on in the Mac community at the moment, here...
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